Saturday, November 20, 2010

Aubrey Frost

Aubrey Frost is one of the coolest crossdressers I know.  Well, it's not accurate to say I know her.  I followed her on the Net since about 2000.  Like many other girls, I became a Myspace friend.  I sent her a few messages and she was very gracious about responding (despite the fact that I'm sure she received many, many messages from people like me).

Aubrey was smart, funny, thoughtful and kind.  When I first found her blog and pictures, she was a college student.  She wrote about being a crossdresser but also about the other things that were going on in her life.

Aubrey's pictures were great.  She had a lovely face and, like me, her body seemed to be somewhat late in maturing, so she still had a kind of young, girlish quality.  Like many of us, her pictures progressed from simple to more sophisticated.

After a time, she was in a serious relationship with a young woman who accepted Aubrey.  They married and had a child.

Her blog and pictures continued for a while.  Updates became less and less frequent.  I was trying to spend less time on the Net myself and didn't see much about Aubrey for a while.

When I looked for her recently, her blog was gone.  She has a Twitter account that was originally open but is now protected.  Her brief note of explanation says she used to be Aubrey, now she's Just Jo.  She also says she's in transition.

While I'm disappointed that I can't follow her journey, I understand that there are many, many peripheral followers like me out there and Aubrey has every right to live her life in privacy.  I just want to send my best wishes and hope that Aubrey (now Jo) and her family are well.

If I was more skilled, I could also use Jo's story as an object lesson in how the Net has been such a wonderful resource for crossdressers and other transgendered people.  Jo helped other people understand that it was possible to be a happy crossdresser and to have a successful relationship.

Her growth and experience also reflected the growing sophistication of web tools.  She also progressed from early shared websites to myspace and her own website.  Now she's on Twitter.  

I'm sure there are many other people who are big fans of hers.  Here's a nice story from Jessica Who Jessica Who's post about Aubrey  (by the way, I'm also a big fan of Jessica's - check out her blog, too -

1 comment:

  1. She closed her twitter account, anyone know what has happened?
