I've been browsing through fashion blogs. Not the professional ones with impossibly thin models wearing outlandish runway fashions, but the amateur and semi-professional blogs where women show off their every day style and post pictures of other women looking great in outfits that you could see on real people.
That's how I stumbled on to I Want Her Outfit. I love most of the posts on this site (although there is a post of a woman wearing pajamas and a headscarf on the street that mystifies me - I know how to look dowdy - I don't need help there - maybe it's a joke, but I don't get it). I would love to wear those clothes and, of course, look even half as pretty as the women in the pictures.
Although I Want Her Outfit hasn't been updated since last May and only has four months of updates, there are enough fun posts to make a visit worthwhile.
Maybe my favorite thing about I Want Her Outfit is the logo.
I'd love to look and dress like one of the women pictured, at least for a little while. How amazing to be so pretty.
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